Let's suppose we want to provide a form for editing the records of a database table called 'language'. We can create an ErlyDB module for working with this table as follows:
When we call erlyweb:compile() (or when ErlyWeb auto compiles our modules becase we have turned 'auto_compile' on, as one should do during development), ErlyDB reads the metadata for the 'language' database table and generates a large number of functions in the 'language' module covering the whole exciting CRUD gamut.
Now let's create a basic controller implementing the data access logic for the 'language edit' page. I will only show the most stripped-down logic necessary for rendering the 'edit' form, which is the focus of this tutorial.
edit(A, Id) ->
case language:find_id(Id) of
undefined ->
{data, {error, no_such_record}};
Language ->
{data, Language}
When ErlyWeb receives a request such as "http://myapp.com/language/edit/1", it will invoke the 'edit/2' function in language_controller. This function will look up the database record using a SQL query such as "SELECT * FROM language WHERE id=1", and send the resulting record directly to the view function, or the tuple {error, no_such_record} if no record matches the requested id.
Now let's take a first pass at making a the view for this component (note that in this tutorial, we'll avoid any fancy automatic form-generation methods and write most of the HTML by hand).
<%@ edit({error, no_such_record}) %>
ouch, the record doesn't exist
<%@ edit(Language) %>