Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Is Facebook running one of the world's biggest Erlang clusters?

I just read on the Facebook engineering blog this post describing how Facebook used Erlang to scale Facebook Chat to 70 million active users overnight. WOW.

This announcement should remove any doubts that Erlang is *the* platform for building scalable realtime (aka Comet) applications.


Eric Florenzano said...

Very cool, indeed! (Although I'm sure you would have preferred they use Yaws instead of MochiWeb.)

Yariv said...

Where did you read they use MochiWeb?

I'm actually indifferent to the decision between Yaws and MochiWeb. I started using Yaws because MochiWeb didn't exist at the time.

Steve Davis said...

Agreed but with one change -- "Erlang is *the* platform for building scalable realtime" .... *messaging* applications. I'm hoping that the application space will increase but I think that heavy data warehousing and gaming have yet to be proven.

Per Melin said...


If you use for example Firebug to look at the HTTP traffic with Facebook Chat you can see that the server header says MochiWeb.

Matt W said...

It's happening.

Hunter的大杂烩 » Facebook Chat的架构 said...

[...] Facebook选用Erlang是对此语言认可和肯定,具有重大意义。Erlang的资深布道使Yariv Sadan感慨道: [...]

mysky » 博客存档 » Facebook Chat的架构 said...

[...] Facebook选用Erlang是对此语言认可和肯定,具有重大意义。Erlang的资深布道使Yariv Sadan感慨道: [...]