I'm pleased to announce the release of ErlyWeb 0.6. This very exciting release contains a new Mnesia driver for ErlyDB created by Matthew Pflueger and a Postgres driver (based on the open source driver from Erlang Consulting) created by Roberto Saccon. Finally, you can use a single database abstraction layer in Erlang to access MySQL, Postrgres and Mnesia without writing a single line of SQL or DBMS-specific logic :)
You can get ErlyWeb 0.6 from the ErlyWeb website or from its Google Code repository. Make sure to check out CHANGELOG.txt for a complete list of changes.
If you have any questions regarding the new drivers, please ask the ErlyWeb Google Group.
Those were exactly the two features that I'd been waiting for. Postgres for my legacy databases and Mnesia for future projects. Between this and Joe Armstrong's upcoming book, I no longer have any excuse to not put a serious effort into seeing if I can move more of my coding work to Erlang.
i wonder how difficult it would be to write a compiler that processes a rails application as an input (treating it purely as a DSL) and outputs a translation it into the erlyweb framework. hmm.
Great work!
Does anyone have an example of the connection parameters required to use Mnesia? Thanks.
Great work!
Does anyone have an example of the connection parameters required to use Mnesia? What s the equivalent of erlydb:connect(mysql, "localhost", "username", "password",
"test"). Thanks.
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